Research Articles


Single-dose HPV vaccination efficacy among adolescent girls and young women in Kenya (the KEN SHE Study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Barnabas RV, Brown E, Onono M, Bukusi E, Njoroge B, Winer R, Donnel D, Galloway D, Cherne S, Heller L, Leingang H, Morrison S, Rechkina E, McClelland R.S, Baeten J, Celum C, Mugo N, KENSHE Study Team . Trials 22661 (2021).


Model-estimated effectiveness of single dose 9-valent HPV vaccination for HIV-positive and HIV-negative females in South Africa. Tan N, Sharma M, Winer R, Galloway D, Rees H, Barnabas RV. Vaccine. 2018 Aug 6;36(32 Pt A):4830-4836. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.02.023. Epub 2018 Jun 8.